Leonard Splaine Heat Pump May Be Better Heating and Cooling Option Than Furnace or Air Conditioner

For more information, contact: Ted Leonard—Leonard Splaine—703-494-2855
Release Date: November 2, 2019
Woodbridge, Va — Heat pumps are often misunderstood or not understood at all. Because of this, consumers may not realize that there may be a better heating and cooling option than a traditional furnace or air conditioner.
“A heat pump is an all-in-one heating and air conditioning system that works year round to keep you comfortable. During warmer months, a heat pump works as a normal air conditioner. It extracts heat from inside the home and transfers it to the outdoor air. In colder weather, however, the process reverses and the unit collects heat from the outdoor air to transfer inside your home,” said Ted Leonard, General Manager of Leonard Splaine.
Even when the air outside feels cold, it still contains some heat. When there’s not enough heat in the outside air to meet the demand of the thermostat setting, an electric heater supplements the outdoor air to warm the home.
“Heat pumps are capable of providing years of worry-free heating and cooling and significant savings on electric bills,” Leonard said. The amount a consumer can save depends on many factors. For example, the efficiency of old equipment compared to that of a new heat pump can have an effect on how much will be saved. The climate in which a consumer lives, as well as electric rates, are also factors.
“Unlike a furnace that turns fossil fuel or electricity into heat, the heat pump collects heat that already exists in the outdoor air,” Leonard said. “Consequently, a heat pump will produce two to three times more heat than the energy it uses.”
A heat pump also produces savings while cooling a home. A SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rates cooling efficiency. A higher SEER produces greater savings. A SEER of 12.00 to 13.00 is typical in homes over eight or ten years old and a new, higher efficiency heat pump can be as much as 50 percent more efficient.
If a consumer’s non-electric furnace is still working, an add-on heat pump is an effective option. “With a Dual-fuel system, the two systems share the heating load, but never at the same time,” Leonard said. “Each system operates when it is the most cost effective.” The heat pump will be the primary heating and cooling system. However, when the temperature drops below the heat pump’s set point, the furnace will take over until the temperature rises enough for the heat pump to operate more efficiently.
To find out more about heat pumps and how they can save on energy costs, call Leonard Splaine at 703-494-2588. Leonard Splaine has been providing service in the Northern Va area for 63 years.