Leonard Splaine Choosing the Right Generator for Your Summer Needs

11th Jun

As summer approaches in Oakton, VA, it’s crucial to ensure your home or business is prepared for potential power outages. With the increase in summer storms and high electricity demands, having a reliable generator can provide peace of mind and keep your life running smoothly. However, choosing the right generator for your summer needs requires careful consideration of various factors. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the steps to choose the ideal generator that fits your unique needs. 

Understanding Your Power Needs

The initial step in selecting the appropriate generator is to evaluate your power requirements. Common essentials include refrigerators, air conditioning units, lights, and medical equipment. Make a list of these items and their wattage requirements. This will assist you in determining the appropriate size and capacity of the generator you require.

Types of Generators

  1. Portable Generators:

Advantages: Portable generators are versatile and can be moved to different locations as needed. They are generally less expensive than standby generators and are suitable for powering a few essential appliances during short outages.

Considerations: Portable generators require manual setup and regular refueling. They can be noisy and produce exhaust fumes, so they should be used outdoors and away from windows and doors.

  1. Standby Generators:

Advantages: Standby generators are permanently installed and automatically turn on during a power outage. They can provide continuous power to your entire home or business, including central air conditioning and heating systems. They run on natural gas or propane, eliminating the need for refueling.

Considerations: Standby generators are more expensive and require professional installation. However, their convenience and reliability make them an excellent choice for long-term power solutions.

Sizing Your Generator

Once you’ve determined the type of generator you need, the next step is to size it correctly. Generators are rated by their power output in watts. To ensure you choose the right size, calculate the total wattage of all the appliances and systems you want to power simultaneously.

How to Calculate Total Wattage:

  • List all essential appliances and their wattage.
  • Add up the wattage of each appliance to get the total.
  • Consider additional starting wattage for appliances with motors, such as refrigerators and air conditioners.

For example, if your refrigerator requires 600 watts, your air conditioner needs 2,000 watts, and your lights require 400 watts, your total running wattage is 3,000 watts. If your air conditioner has a starting wattage of 2,400 watts, you’ll need to add this to your total, resulting in a required generator capacity of 5,400 watts.

Fuel Considerations

Generators can run on various fuel types, including gasoline, diesel, propane, and natural gas. 

  1. Gasoline:

Advantages: Gasoline is readily available and portable.

Considerations: Gasoline has a limited shelf life and can be challenging to store in large quantities. It can also be less efficient and produce more emissions compared to other fuels.

  1. Diesel:

Advantages: Diesel generators are fuel-efficient and have a longer lifespan. Diesel fuel is also more stable and safer to store.

Considerations: Diesel generators can be more expensive and noisier than gasoline generators. Diesel fuel may also be harder to find during emergencies.

  1. Propane:

Advantages: Propane is clean-burning and has a long shelf life. Propane generators are often quieter and require less maintenance.

Considerations: Propane tanks need to be stored safely, and refilling may require a delivery service. Propane generators can also be more expensive to install.

  1. Natural Gas:

Advantages: Natural gas is convenient and provides an uninterrupted fuel supply. Natural gas generators are often quieter and more environmentally friendly.

Considerations: Installation of natural gas generators requires access to a gas line and professional installation. They may also come with a higher initial price.

Choosing the right generator for your summer needs in Oakton, VA, involves understanding your power requirements, selecting the appropriate type and size of the generator, and considering fuel options and additional features. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that you have a reliable and efficient power backup solution to keep your home or business running smoothly during any power outage. Investing in a quality generator will provide peace of mind and ensure that you are prepared for any unexpected interruptions this summer.

Top Generator Installation Company in Oakton, VA

Ensure your home or business is prepared for summer storms with a reliable generator from Leonard Splaine. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your power needs and find the perfect generator solution. Our expert team is ready to provide professional generator installation and maintenance services to keep your power running smoothly. Call us now at 703-494-2855 to get started!