Leonard Splaine How Can I Make My HVAC System More Energy Efficient?

If you’ve ever gotten a utility bill that was higher than anticipated, you know the woes that regular HVAC system checkups and inefficiencies can cause. Regardless of the season, you want to be comfortable with your environment’s heating and cooling, remaining confident that you can estimate the average cost for temperature control in your home regardless of the time of year. Consider the following tips and tools for keeping your home’s temperature cozy and inviting without digging into your savings.
Use Programmable Thermostats The clearest boon of programmable thermostats is the sheer cost savings. As energy bills keep rising throughout the world, the best way to stave off excess expense is to try to reduce your energy consumption. Programmable thermostats alter the temperature to the specific degree of your own comfort, and can automatically change temperatures depending on the time or day or year. You won’t have to turn the AC or heat on high while you’re out of the house, and you can apply a heating or cooling schedule that better tracks your family’s routine, easing up on the energy usage when no one’s home to enjoy it.
Replace Old Air Filters Dirt-caked air filters will reduce airflow through your home, causing less energy efficiency. At least once a month, remove your air filter and check it for dust clumps and blockages. Holding it up to the ceiling light, if you can’t see light passing through the filter, it’s almost certainly time for a new one. Effective air filters can last between 30 to 90 days, and some work nearly a full year, but monthly inspections will help change them sooner when required.
Check HVAC Equipment Age If your HVAC system is over 15 years old, it’s probably time to replace it. Give thought to changing your unit with a newer model designed with the most-applicable high efficiency standards in your home’s unit for better energy savings. A new system is likely costly upfront, but it saves money over the years while keeping you just as comfortable, if not more so. For instance, replacing your old AC unit with a more modern, high-SEER rated model could save you substantial dollars in the years to come.
Insulate A building with poor insulation will likely lose a good deal of conditioned air. Applying insulation to your home secures the air, cooled or heated, to sustain temperature and comfort. If you’re not certain how a home might be losing treated air, certain kinds of piping and almost all kinds of uninsulated outlets and air ducts might be the culprits. If you’re unsure how to inspect or evaluate insulation, consult an HVAC professional for guidance.