Leonard Splaine Co.


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Woman bundled in a coat
FurnacesMaintenance & Repair

Reasons why a furnace burner won’t stay lit

Nothing can be more frustrating on a cold winter day than to have your furnace start to heat ...
Emerson Smart Thermostat
Heat Pumps

Why does heat pumps Aux Heat keep coming on

Have you ever seen the words “aux heat” on your digital thermostat and wondered what exactly it means? ...
New AC capacitor
Air Conditioners

Does your AC need a new capacitor

The capacitor is small but very powerful and is important for your AC unit to work properly. It’s like a battery, ...
Top reasons your Heat won't turn on featured image

Top reasons your heat furnace won’t turn on

When it's cold outside and the temperatures steadily begin to drop, people are bound to start turning up ...
Easy things you can do to improve your indoor air quality
Indoor Air Quality

Easy things you can do to improve your indoor air quality

Low air quality in your home can have a big effect on your health, and mood. We tend ...
What is an HVAC system
HVAC Systems

What is an HVAC system and how does it work

First and foremost, HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This system provides heating and cooling to ...
dirty HVAC coil
Air Conditioners

Is your Coil leaking and what you can do about it

The evaporator coil is located inside your air conditioner. If you’re experiencing water leaking from your air conditioner, ...
Do you really need a whole house Humidifier
HumidifiersIndoor Air Quality

Do you really need a whole house Humidifier

As the days are getting colder, the air is getting drier.  Combine that with a heater running day ...
Man fanning himself with a sheaf of paper
Air Conditioners

Top reasons why your AC isn’t working

Summer’s hot weather is back in full force. The last thing you want when the temperatures outside are ...
Air Conditioner Furnace Combo
Air ConditionersFurnacesHVAC Systems

How Much does a Air Conditioner Furnace combo cost

Controlling temperature and humidity levels in your home is the key to maintaining its livability. A functional air conditioner and heater ...
Sonny gives the thumbs up on Leonard Splaine's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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Take it from our customers: we solve problems and deliver solutions like no other HVAC company can.  Contact us today!