Leonard Splaine Why HVAC Membership Plans are Beneficial

The overall efficiency of your HVAC system is essential since it keeps your residence comfy and offers good indoor air quality. But that doesn’t happen instinctively. Your HVAC system works hard all year to keep you comfortable. This makes it vulnerable to a large range of malfunctions.
These problems are frequently minor enough that they rarely keep your furnace or air conditioner from working. However, they could affect energy efficiency—and your energy expenses. If these issues evolve, your entire system could be jeopardized. These are frustration and costs you can bypass with steady HVAC maintenance.
Why HVAC Maintenance is Essential
Many people make an investment in an HVAC system, yet fail to maintain proper upkeep. An HVAC system is similar to that of a car – it needs the proper care and maintenance to function properly.
If your furnace or air conditioner is new or operating properly, you could wonder whether maintenance is necessary. For many obvious reasons, HVAC maintenance is important, and here are a few reasons why.
1. Keeps your warranty intact
A warranty protects you when your HVAC system needs repairs. But skipping regular furnace maintenance and air conditioning maintenance means, in many instances, you’re nullifying your warranty. Spending a small sum on maintenance now can help you prevent costly repairs that your warranty would otherwise take care of.
2. Finds small troubles early.
Stopping big problems from happening first is the best approach to protect your HVAC system. Annual maintenance work provides the chance to closely check and lubricate important internal pieces. And it also provides time to get necessary repairs done before the peak heating or cooling season begins. You’ll conserve more money over time if problems are taken care of as they appear.
3. May boost energy efficiency.
Annual maintenance is about more than stopping breakdowns. It’s also to keep your system operating as well as possible. Frequently this leads to an increase in your home’s energy efficiency. You may enjoy reduced heating and cooling costs, as well as the good feeling your system is in tip-top shape.
4. May help your system run longer.
When your HVAC system is running as it should, it may last a lot longer. The majority of furnaces and air conditioners run around 15–20 years, but pro maintenance could help lengthen this life cycle even more.
Get More from HVAC Maintenance with an HVAC Membership Plan
Regular maintenance is important, especially as it can help you save as much as almost 30% on yearly heating and cooling prices. Leonard Splaine Service Experts offers a collection of membership plans designed to work with your individual needs. From inexpensive options to all-inclusive coverage, we have the ideal maintenance plan to keep your home comfort systems running efficiently and consistently.
These plans are designed to help save you money and hassel by automating all of the necesary maintence required to keep your system in Tip-Top shape. With no hidden fee’s and extrodinary value. We have designed this program to be an offer thats hard to refuse.
Our Universal Saving Agreement+™ membership is built to suit every budget. You’ll enjoy priority service, even during our busiest weeks. You also won’t have to fret about spending more on overtime charges if you call our pros on a night, weekend or holiday. You’ll also enjoy:
- Two Annual Inspections- With maintenance history keeping.
- Waved Diagnostic Fees- Heating/Cooling diagnostic fee of $79 will be waived.
- 15% off Parts and Labor
- Transferable when selling a home
- Inflation Proof- The price remains the same for the life of the agreement
- Peace Of Mind Monitoring- Remote system monitoring with icomfort thermostats
We recommend the Oil Saving Agreement+™ membership if you want extreme peace of mind. The Oil Saving Agreement offers:
- Priority Service
- Annual Tune UP – Lubrication, adjustment and cleaning
- Waved Diagnostic Fees- Heating/Cooling diagnostic fee of $79 will be waived.
- 15% off Parts and Labor
- Transferable when selling a home
- Inflation Proof- The price remains the same for the life of the agreement
- Peace Of Mind Monitoring- Remote system monitoring with icomfort thermostats
5 Advantages of HVAC Maintenance Plans
Here are just a smaller number of our members’ most popular perks:
1. Priority service: Your furnace or air conditioner is likely to break down during the most extreme weather. Annoyingly, this is usually when everyone else’s systems malfunction too. So we regularly answer a high volume of service calls over peak seasons. With an HVAC maintenance plan, you’ll leap to the front of the line with 24/7/365 guaranteed priority service. And you’ll never pay any trip expenses or overtime fees. Ever.
2. No trip charge – EVER: You won’t have to cover the expense of a Leonard Splaine Experts coming to your house.
3. Discounts on products and repairs: These days, indoor air quality is more crucial than ever. That’s why our plans include 15% off parts and labor.
4. 100% satisfaction guarantee: We support our work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.* If something isn’t working like we said it would, you can rely on us to keep trying until it is.
5. Comprehensive visual review for every visit: Your home comfort is our top priority. That’s why every visit comes with a 29-point visual exam and Home Health™ Report Card.
Your heating and cooling system is a big investment. Keep it protected and enjoy added perks by enrolling in one of our membership plans immediately. No matter what your budget is, our professionals can help you find the ideal plan for your needs and home. To begin with your membership plan, call us at 703-494-2855 now.